Terms and Conditions

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This terms of use apply to the following:
Apple App Store:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mimimobile&pli=1
Google Play Store:https://apps.apple.com/us/app/%D7%9E%D7%99%D7%9E%D7%99/id1576111355
Website: https://mimiplan.com

These Terms (hereinafter the "Terms") govern the relationship, rights, and obligations that exist between you, a private user and the boarding school where you reside (hereinafter the "Boarding School"), owner of the license to use Mimi that includes Mimi( “the app”) and website - Mimi - New Way Of Education (" the website"), regarding the download, installation and use you will make of the system, whether you are a trainee, instructor, staff member, coordinator, and manager. Any use of the system, including any updated version, modification, improvement, update and/or upgrade of the application or website, which will be provided by the boarding school, is subject to, and will be subject to, these terms at any time. By clicking the "I confirm" button and/or using the system and/or by downloading and installing the application on your mobile device, you fully agree to these terms and confirm that you have read and understood them and that you agree that these terms will bind you, and therefore you are requested to read them Take great care before carrying out the above, and follow what is written in them. If you do not agree to the full terms and conditions, or if you do not want these terms to bind you, please click the "I do not approve" button and do not use the system and/or do not install the application and/or do not enter the site, or if you install any of them, then delete Them immediately from your mobile device and do not use them in any way. The boarding school reserves the right to make changes to these terms, at its sole discretion. Your continued use of the system, including the application and/or the Website after the publication of the updated terms, constitutes your consent to any such change. The system: The system is a system for managing and rewarding the actions and behavior of students in a boarding school by the topics and goals that will be defined by the boarding school administrators. Through the system, the staff members who are responsible for the trainees' activities will be able to reward the trainees, through a unique scoring system, and allow them to see fruit in return for good behavior, and the boarding school management can monitor this reward set and receive information about trainee behavior and progress. In any case, where you are under the age of 18, you warrant that this privacy statement has been approved and signed by your parents and/or your legal guardian. In any case and this is not the case, you are required not to use the system and not to share any information about yourself. The use of the system is for entertainment purposes only and does not obligate, or constitute a condition for any of its users and any of its users may at any time cease use without infringing any of his rights within the boarding school or imposing an additional obligation on him. The use of the system is not mandatory within the framework of your duties at the boarding school and will not affect your daily routine or your stay at the boarding school. Types of users: The system will use several different types of users: Apprentice - A trainee/child performance in a boarding school, each apprentice is associated with a specific group and has at least one direct guide, who enters a score/report/feedback on it. The trainee does not have access to the site. Instructor - A direct instructor of a trainee, who gives the trainees under him a score, according to fixed dates to be set by him for giving a score. General staff member - class instructors and outside people who are not in the trainee's daily life. Each general staff member will be assigned a separate report to enter on trainees which is a guide. A general staff member does not have access to the website and the personal score that can be apprenticed by the direct guide. Coordinator - responsible for several groups of trainees, who will be able to monitor the progress of all trainees in the groups below him. Boarding school director - can view all the data and progress of all the trainees, instructors, general staff members, and boarding school coordinators. Use of the app The application is intended for all users of the system Using the app, any user will be able to perform the following actions. The trainee - will be able to view the number of points he has, and his history of points and bonuses, view the table of topics and score, choose and change password, choose a language, use the store to redeem points and coupons for the trainee, and show the trainee's personal progress. The guide - will be able to enter points for the trainee under him, view the coupons of each trainee who is under him and those who have been exercised, and even redeem on behalf of the trainee and view the progress data of each trainee and the score history was given to the trainee. General staff member - will be able to enter on the pre-defined report on which of the trainees defined under him and will be able to view the history of the reports he has performed recently for the trainees under him. Coordinator - For all groups for which the coordinator is responsible, the coordinator will be able to view the coupons of each trainee under his or her existing and realized trainees, and even implement on the trainee's name, view each trainee's progress data, and score history given by the instructors. Director of the boarding school - will be able to observe the general progress of the boarding school, view the history of feeds performed by the instructors or coordinators, and observe the personal progress of each trainee. Use of the website The site is intended for instructors, coordinators, and the boarding school director. Through the site, any of these will be able to perform the following actions. The instructor - will be able to view the history of the grants he has made, change the password for the trainee, view insights about his group, and create trainees for the group for which he is responsible. Coordinator - will be able to view the history of the grants he has made, change the password for the trainee, view insights about his team. Transfer a group of trainees and create direct instructors and trainees for the groups below it. Manager - will be able to use all the functionality offered on the site, create a general report for a boarding school, group or trainee. Creating new stores, managing existing in-store products, adding end-of-track awards. View insights on boarding school, team management, trainee management, and group management. The app and the website will have a store where the trainee can purchase products as part of the realization of points and prizes he has accumulated in the system. Restrictions and prohibitions As a condition of using the system including downloading the application, you undertake that you are over the age of 18 and that if you are under the age of 18 then that your legal guardian has read and approved these terms of use and the privacy statement of the boarding school. You undertake that you will not make any use of the system for: (a) uploading content and/or information that you do not own or have the right to use and/or violate The law and/or any court order and/or that may infringe the property rights of a third party. (B) Disruption, disruption, restriction, or prevention of the use of the system including the application. (C) Uploading falsified, misleading, false, and/or harmful content and information to the boarding school and/or its administrators and/or to any third party. (D) Uploading offensive, insulting, defamatory information that threatens or infringes the proprietary rights of others, any pornographic material or of a sexually-explicit nature or that may offend the feelings of the public and/or any material concerning and identifying minors, and/or any illegal material, Or material that encourages and/or supports and/or assists in the commission of an act that constitutes a criminal offense under the laws of the State of Israel and/or any material that constitutes defamation of a person or infringes on privacy and/or any other information of a similar nature. (E) an illegal purpose, or a purpose that contradicts the terms of the engagement. (F) Harassment or False Complaint (g) Violation of any third party including the privacy or privacy of the individual. (H) Business or commercial use of the system or any information transmitted through it. (I) Taking action which is contrary to law. (J) Infringement and/or infringement of contractual rights, proprietary rights, copyrights, moral rights, quasi-proprietary rights, prudential and fiduciary duties, trade secrets, trademarks, patents. You undertake not to use the system and/or act in the system in connection with the following actions: providing passwords and/or personal and/or intimate details about other users and/or harassing other users, impersonating others, advertising and/or promoting commercials, propaganda Political and/or promotion of candidates and parties in elections, use of blatant and/or offensive language, collecting information about other users, copying information and/or ads from the system and publishing or presenting them elsewhere for commercial purposes or in a manner that may harm the boarding school business, flooding the system or part thereof In recurring messages, the promotion of artificial content, the publication of false or misleading material, the publication of links and/or the uploading of sexual or pornographic content to the system and/or content that will harm the feelings of other users and/or that are likely to harm them. You undertake to completely refrain from any attempt to collect information about the system, including technological means, activation, or assistance in the operation of a computer application or any other means aimed at scanning and/or copying and/or retrieving and/or mining information, to refrain from making and/or causing any change in the system, And do not interfere with the source code of the application or site. You undertake to refrain from performing actions and/or omissions that may interfere with the activity of the system and/or its users, including by disrupting and/or interfering with computer activities such as "viruses", "worms" and other harmful applications, intrusion into computer material, editing and/or Or inserting software in a manner that may cause damage or disruption to a computer and/or computer material, deleting computer material, trespassing, etc. If you are a trainee then you undertake that you will not make any use of the points for any purpose other than using them in the store and that you will not be able to transfer or undertake to transfer them to any third party for any consideration or receive any consideration for points from any trainee. You hereby declare that you are aware that the boarding school may take action against a user who has improved these conditions by all means available to her by law, including cancellation of the trainee's account in the system without any notice. User content As part of your use of the system, you may from time to time provide information and data if you are a trainee - about you or if you are not a trainee then about your trainees, including through photos (hereinafter: "surfer content"). You undertake in relation to any content that you submit to the boarding school within the framework of the system, that there is no legal and/or contractual and/or other restriction that prevents you from submitting such content. The provision of such information is of your own free will and is not obligatory. You know that the boarding school, including its representatives, employees, managers, and workers on its behalf, is not responsible, under any circumstances, for the nature, reliability, correctness, completeness, timeliness, legality, and function of surfers 'content, and that they are not responsible for any reliance on surfers' content. For the content of surfers that you provide to the boarding school, you will be responsible, and you hereby expressly release the boarding school, including its representatives, employees, managers, and workers on its behalf, from any responsibility and/or liability in connection with the surfing content you provide and advice was given to you based on it. The boarding school does not undertake to check and/or visit and/or monitor the content of the surfers that you submit through the system and you hereby release the boarding school completely and completely, including its shareholders and/or managers from any liability for damage caused or likely to be caused by delivery or use of surfers' content. By the boarding school. The boarding school may, at its sole discretion, refuse to accept and/or delete and/or make changes in full or in part, in the content of surfers that it submits to it, without the need for your consent and without prior notice, inter alia, due to injury and/or fear of injury. In the provisions of these conditions, the provisions of the law or in the rights of third parties and/or due to a directive of competent authorities and/or for technical reasons. You and you acknowledge that if you are a trainee then any surfer content submitted by you to the boarding school will at all times be your sole property, and if you are not a trainee then any surfer content you submit will belong to the boarding school or trainee. Irrevocably and free of charge, License to keep all or part of this information on its computers and use it, in accordance with and subject to applicable law and the provisions of this Agreement as follows: Believe that they are suitable for you and you approve of us sending you advertisements about them (c) so that we can provide you with better recommendations and service in the future in the best possible way. In any case where you provide details through the system, then you declare and undertake that all the details and information you provide and/or provide are correct, complete, and accurate and their use will be made in accordance with and subject to the terms of the privacy statement in the link below https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CzKyzsksS6bvDuyBpSpFmoC095wdi7nk/view?usp=sharing If you are a trainee then you know that you are not obliged to provide any information about yourself in any way through the system. If you are not a trainee, then it is clarified and known to you that as long as you provide information about trainees, a The information you provide relates to minors and therefore you undertake that you will observe all the provisions and rules applicable under any law regarding the provision of information related to the minor and that you will only provide information that is approved for publication through the system. In case you are not sure whether any information is approved for publication, you should contact the boarding school director. You agree that you will not pass on information relating to any third party of any kind. You acknowledge that you know that the transfer of information relating to a third party, without the consent of that third party, constitutes a criminal offense, and you undertake to indemnify and indemnify the Boarding School for any loss or charge resulting from unauthorized or unlawful use of third party information. Ownership and property rights. You know that all content appearing in the system and/or materials that will be delivered or will reach you through the system, including materials, text design, software, music, video, graphics, materials contained in advertisements or messages sent to you or commercial information offered to you by the boarding school, are the exclusive property of The boarding school and/or other third parties and will remain their sole property at all times. All intellectual property rights (including, inter alia, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, patents, etc.) that exist and/or are embodied in the system, and/or attached to, related to, and/or refer to the system are the sole property of the boarding school and will remain its sole property. as mentioned. These terms do not transfer to you any right in or in connection with the system, and/or in the materials that will be transferred to you and/or that will be photographed by you, but only a limited right to use them in accordance with these terms and the provisions of the law. Nothing in these Terms shall constitute a waiver of any intellectual property rights of the Boarding School or any third party under any law. All content concerning you personally, including your photos and personal information you provide about you, which will be transmitted by you through the system, will belong to you or the same third party, and their delivery to the system you give the boarding school the right to preserve them to improve user experience and perform segmentation and statistics. And for any other use in accordance with the site's privacy policy. license The boarding school hereby grants you, and you receive, a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-commercial, non-commercial license, on the basis of which no sub-licenses can be granted, and which can be fully revoked, use the system, including the site and application in accordance with the terms and conditions. These. The boarding school reserves all rights in the system which have not been expressly granted under these conditions. Prohibited uses Except as expressly permitted by these Terms without the prior written consent of the Boarding School, you agree not to: (i) use, modify or integrate the system, application, or site into any other software, or create derivative works from any part of the application or site system; And (ii) sell, license (or sublicense), lease, transfer, transfer, mortgage or share your rights under these Terms to any other person; (iii) copy, distribute or reproduce the application system or site for the benefit of third parties; (iv) disclose the results of the application system or site performance, or use those results for competing for application system or site system; And/or (v) modify, disassemble, perform operations of reverse compilation, reverse engineering, updating or improving the application system or site or attempting to discover the source code of the application system or site. Maintenance and support The boarding school has no obligation under these terms to provide support, maintenance, upgrades, changes, or new versions of the app system or site. However, the boarding school may from time to time release upgraded versions of the application system or site, and may electronically and automatically upgrade the version of the application system or site you are using. You give your consent to such an automatic upgrade and agree that these terms will apply to all such upgrades. Disclaimer The system is provided to you "as is" without any warranty of any kind, express or implied. The boarding school does not guarantee that the system will meet your requirements or that the operation of the system will be carried out without interruptions or without errors. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the boarding school hereby expressly excludes any express liability, including, inter alia, liability for property right or non-infringement of property right, and from any general liability, including, inter alia, general liability for commercial quality and suitability for a particular purpose. The boarding school is not responsible and does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, uses or reliability of the results that will be achieved through the use of the system or of any data or information that will be obtained in another way through the use of the system. You acknowledge that any information or data you download or obtain or receive through the use of the System is at your sole risk and discretion and that the Boarding School will not be responsible or liable for any damage caused to you or your property. The boarding school will not have any responsibility for the content or essence of information that will be provided by you or will be given to you as part of the use of the system and all responsibility for the use or non-use of such information will be yours exclusively. The boarding school works as much as possible so that the information transmitted through the system is as correct and accurate as possible, but despite this, there may be a defect and/or error and/or inaccuracy in the information and/or the way it is transferred, and you dismiss the boarding school, including its representatives, employees, Its managers and workers on its behalf, from any responsibility and/or liability in relation to this. The boarding school, including its representatives, employees, managers, and employees, is not responsible for the availability of the system, services, and information, including the form, completeness, up-to-dateness, accuracy of the data, their suitability for the user, their nature, nature, scope, possible defects. , For data received on the user's computer, for loss of information, etc. The boarding school, including its representatives, employees, managers, and workers on their behalf, will not be liable for any damage, direct or indirect, caused to you and/or any third party for the use of the system, including the services, information, and content you receive through it and/or rely on it and/or Cancellation and/or termination of any of the services offered in the system, including due to disruptions and/or defects M in the transfer of information whether caused intentionally by any third party or caused by any malfunction. The system may also include various links to other apps or websites, including publications by other apps or websites, people, and other non-boarding parties (hereinafter: "foreign content"). It is clarified that the boarding school, including its representatives, employees, managers, and workers on its behalf, is not responsible in any way for foreign content and/or for any link and/or publication and/or information not published by the system. Any use of foreign content and/or information from sources other than the system and/or reliance on it will be made at the sole and complete responsibility of the user. The boarding school may include in the system commercial content of third parties, including advertisements, banners, ads, pop-up ads, etc. and you hereby exempt the boarding school, including its representatives, employees, managers, and workers on its behalf, from any responsibility and/or liability related to and/or relating to commercial content. Which are not of the boarding school itself. It is clarified to you that the information in the system may be updated and/or changed, from time to time, and that content that appears in the system may be deleted and/or changed without prior notice and without your consent, and that the boarding school, including its representatives, employees, managers and employees, Sex and type, to be caused in such a case. The boarding school does not guarantee that the use of the system will not be interrupted, will be given as normal without interruption, will take place safely without errors, or will be free from damages, breakdowns, malfunctions, or failures, and you hereby release the boarding school, including its representatives, employees, managers, and workers. Or liability relating thereto. If you are not satisfied with any part of the system, or one of the terms of use, the only and exclusive remedy available to you is to stop using the system and remove it. The boarding school reserves the right to refuse to grant access to the system or parts thereof to any user, at its sole discretion, and without any prior notice. The boarding school reserves the right to disclose information at any time as required in order to comply with the requirements applicable under law, regulations, legal proceedings, or in accordance with the requirement of a competent authority, all at the sole discretion of the boarding school in any case. The boarding school may at any time, in its sole discretion, discontinue the operation of the system in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently. Exclusion of consequential damages. Under no circumstances shall the Boarding School or anyone on its behalf be liable for direct, indirect damages, punitive damages, incidental, special or consequential damages, or any other damages of any kind between you and any third party, arising out of or related in any way to the content transmitted Through the system, for the use of system services for system performance, for the delay in use or inability to use the system, for supply or non-delivery of services, or for any information, software, product, service and accompanying graphics obtained through the system, or otherwise derived from system use, To the accuracy of the data, to suit the user in their nature, character, and scope, to possible defects, to the content of the information or to any other act or omission of the boarding school or anyone on its behalf whether it is based on contract, or tort law, absolute liability or anything else. Limitation of Liability In the event that despite the provisions of these conditions, it is determined that the boarding school is responsible for damages, these damages will not exceed one hundred new shekels. Termination of the contract The boarding school will be entitled to terminate the license which is granted under these conditions at any time and for any reason. Without prejudice to the foregoing, your breach of these Terms will terminate the license granted to you, and you, upon the termination of the License, will cease any further use of the System and delete or destroy any information you have provided or received as part of the use of the System. The law of the agreement; Jurisdiction- Only the laws of the State of Israel shall apply to these conditions and their interpretation. The competent courts in the Tel Aviv District shall have unique jurisdiction in any dispute or dispute that arises between the parties as a result of these conditions. Indemnification You agree to protect, language, and prevent any harm to the Board of Directors and its directors, officers, and shareholders, employees, agents, and representatives from and against any claims, losses, costs, damages, liabilities, and expenses (including, inter alia, attorneys' fees) arising from any Use of the system by you, in violation of these terms. Third Party Software If the system includes any software provided by third parties, then this third party software is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, and the said software will be subject to all restrictions and conditions required by a said third party. You confirm and agree that these terms have been entered into solely between you and the boarding school, and not with Google or Apple and that Google and/or Apple will not be held responsible for any connection with the application. Your use of the application will be in accordance with the terms of use of Google and/or Apple and will be subject to them in addition to these terms. You acknowledge that Google and/or Apple have no obligation to provide any maintenance or support services in connection with the Application. You acknowledge and agree that Google and/or Apple, and the affiliates of Google and/or Apple, are beneficiaries of these Terms in favor of a third party and that by your very agreement to the terms and conditions of these Terms, Google has the right to enforce these Terms against you, as a third party. Of these conditions. general These conditions are regulated by the laws of the State of Israel. You agree that in any dispute arising out of or in connection with the use of the Site, the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the City of Tel Aviv-Yafo shall apply, and there shall be the unique place of jurisdiction. And should it be held that any part of these Terms is invalid or unenforceable under the relevant statutory provisions, including but not limited to, the disclaimer and limitation clauses mentioned above, then the clauses that are revoked or unenforceable will be deemed to have been replaced by valid and enforceable clauses Greatest the intent of the original clauses, while the other clauses of these terms will remain in effect. One party, express or implied, waives a right granted to it under this document in a particular case they will not learn from it an equal decree for any other case and will not consider it a waiver of the rights of that party under these terms. A printed version of terms These and any notice transmitted in electronic format shall constitute admissible evidence in legal or administrative proceedings based on or related to them equally and under the same conditions as the other records and business documents originally produced and stored in printed format. Any right not expressly granted in the Terms of Use is a reserved right. You undertake to indemnify the owner of the site for any loss, loss or payment damage caused to her or anyone on her behalf or to the site due to a breach by you of the terms of use. For any question or clarification we would be happy if you contact the email address: support@mimiplan.com